Trade War

Make Trade, Not War

In recent months we have witnessed rising tensions within the global market, with “trade war” being a common occurrence, particularly between China and the West. At the same time, this growing struggle is cast as more than just a trade dispute; that is, a clash of ideologies. But perhaps, these Read more…

L-IQ tal-Artist Malti

[English version available]   Nhar it-Tnejn li għadda, il-Ministru responsabbli għall-arti u l-kultura żelqulu xi ftit kelmiet li ma niżlux tajjeb. Meta mistoqsi dwar in-nuqqas ta’ miżuri li l-gvern ħa biex jiġu megħjuna l-artisti matul il-pandemija, ir-risposta tiegħu kienet sempliċiment li l-artisti m’għandhomx IQ “business oriented”u li l-arti hija biss Read more…