
[English version available]   Meta nħares lejn kif nagħtu nkoraġġiment lit-tfal, tolqotni b’mod partikolari l-kelma ‘Bravu’ jew ‘Brava’, li nużaw bħala titlu li suppost jirregala lit-tfal b’ċertu sens ta’ validament. Bħal ma student avvanzat jiġi mogħti t-titlu ta’ dottorat, jew impjegat titlu ġdid skond il-promotion, jew suldat jingħata skala ta’ Read more…

Good Girl!

[Oriġinaljament miktuba bil-Malti]   Upon observing how we provide encouragement to children, I am particularly struck by the term ‘Good Boy’ or ‘Good Girl’, which we use as a title that is meant to award children with a sense of validation. In the same manner by which an advanced student Read more…

L-IQ tal-Artist Malti

[English version available]   Nhar it-Tnejn li għadda, il-Ministru responsabbli għall-arti u l-kultura żelqulu xi ftit kelmiet li ma niżlux tajjeb. Meta mistoqsi dwar in-nuqqas ta’ miżuri li l-gvern ħa biex jiġu megħjuna l-artisti matul il-pandemija, ir-risposta tiegħu kienet sempliċiment li l-artisti m’għandhomx IQ “business oriented”u li l-arti hija biss Read more…

Counting Gender

As the debate on gender representation rages on, we are going through the healthy reflection that some parts of society might be less represented at high-level governance. And for various reasons, we chose to segment society by gender and decided that the male-centric era of politics is over and actually Read more…